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 COVID-19 Precautions Staff and Clients of Supreme Horse Transport


To ensure the safety and wellbeing of our staff,  our clients and families.  

We carry out strict biosecurity as part of our everyday practise but since 22/03/2020 we have implemented additional procedures.  


  • We can no longer take cash payments, invoices will be sent and clients can pay via credit/debit card or bank transfer.


  • When collecting your horse, members of our team will wear new gloves and a mask  at loading and unloading of each horse.


  • The driver will let you know when she is arriving, please have your horse in and ready to be loaded.


  • Belongings that accompany the horse are to be placed inside bin bags and tied in a knot- two bags only unless we have arranged otherwise.


  • The driver will give direction at loading and do the following (based on information provided): 

     a. Collect the horse from the stable and load on her own.

     b. Ask that one person walks the horse up  the ramp and ties the horse whilst the driver      closes the partition.


  • At destination our driver will firstly pass you the passport and any belongings that have accompanied the horse in bin liners.


  • Before arriving at the destination,  our driver will explain how she would like to maintain a safe distance when she arrives.


  • Our drivers are adhering to government guidelines on social distancing, we ask that you will do the same  and avoid a group to come and meet the new horse.


  • Our drivers will only work and drive if they are well, please ensure that no one interacts with the driver who themselves are unwell.


  • Please inform us in advance of difficult loaders so that we can discuss the best way to achieve safe loading of your horse with minimal interaction with others.


  • If you have a face mask we would appreciate it being worn and either use hand gel before loading or unloading or new disposable gloves.


We appreciate your cooperation

© 2024 Supreme Horse Transport

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